Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Significance Of The Voice Of MV a.k.a. Satan Part 2 Of 3

And The Lord Said

I Burn Down Your Cities--How Blind You Must Be
I Take From You Your Children And You Say How Blessed Are We
You Must All Be Crazy To Put Your Faith In Me
That's Why I Love Mankind
You Really Need Me
That's Why I Love Mankind

MV’s Change Of Strategy

After a few failed attempts at tying to win the boy over to the dark side, Mephisto changes his strategy as he gets the boy to offer up his soul in exchange for the knowledge (truth) that reality (the universe) weighs in on the side of righteousness and goodness, as opposed to pain and suffering. Below is part of the conversation where MV persuaded the boy to wager his soul in exchange for this knowledge.

Scene: New Orleans One Room Apartment:
“Well here’s the deal: I’ll help you understand what’s ‘real,’” said MV, "and if I succeed I promise you will become free from all scorn and bitterness. You will discover, with my help, how it all fits together, how good and evil are necessarily woven into one reality. To get to that place you must penetrate reality’s nexus, and that my friend is no minor achievement, but together we will triumph. Are you up for the challenge? All that I require for this service is your soul.”

“Say again,” I exclaimed.

“I’m offering you that ‘final realization’ where, by design, pain and suffering become a necessary part of all that is righteous and good,” replied MV.

“No,” I said, “I mean the part about me giving you my soul? Am I missing something here? Have we made some kind of right turn? The word soul is hardly in my vocabulary, but I still don’t like what I’m hearing. This is important. We’re talking about my sanity now, not just a dream!”

“Wait a minute. Think about what you’re saying,” said MV. “Get your head out of the Dark Ages and listen to me. How can giving me your soul be bad when to make that possible bad must become good? In the end, you loose nothing. And anyway, look at what you get in return; I’ll do your bidding. You will have total control.”

“I need to understand what you’re saying,” I said. “When you say bad is good you don’t mean that bad is good relative to different levels of badness, you mean that bad is somehow inherently good. Right?

“Right,” said MV.

“And, if I discover how good and bad are inherently good then and only then, do I give up my soul. Right?

“Yes, that’s right,” replied MV.

“If I agree to this,” I said, “you will do whatever I tell you to do, and you will continue to do so during the entire time that it takes for me to conclude that bad is good. Is that right?”

“We are not talking semantics here,” MV responded, “the rules of language, the rule of non-contradiction, keeps opposites apart. Don’t worry, we are not talking about language we are talking about vision. When you are able to see past the rules of language then you will see also the good and evil connection.”

“I need an answer to my question, thank you,” I said. “As long as I believe bad is not good, I get to keep my soul and I get to tell you to get out of my life?”

“Almost,” MV responded. “You don’t get to bury me. I need to be able to help you along. However, if at anytime you want me to leave just say so, I will go. I will be available if you need me, though. That’s part of the deal!”

“I need to hear it one last time,” I said, “if I am not in agreement that bad is good, then I keep my soul?”

“That is right,” replied MV.

“Then we have a bargain. Where do I sign?”

“Don’t be so archaic, MV responded, “We are adults here. Your word is as good as it gets.”

“Okay, then go,” I said, “Get the hell out of my life. I’ve got to wash this whole affair out of my memory and I don’t need any help from you to get the job done.”

When I woke the next morning, I wasn’t exactly at a hundred percent. At first, I thought I had a nightmare, but on second thought I knew I couldn’t be so lucky. I faced up to the fact that my mental health was deteriorating. My emotions were pulling me in every direction; if MV was the real McCoy and if he could be trusted, then from here on out I would be able to turn my insanity off. But, if I actually believed that, I really would be insane, not to mention I would be giving my soul, -- a soul I never even knew I had, up for grabs. Anyway, illusion or not, making that deal with MV was probably the safest bet I have ever made.

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