Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Dawning Of Rational Analysis—A Quality Moment

The authors show that a generalized principle of complementarity is pervasive not only in physical theories such as cosmological models of the universe, but also in the construction of all human realities.

Grounding The Pirsig Discussion
Ottawa pub

"Excuse me," Jim exclaimed, "I forgot to let you fellows know that I
suffer from vertigo. If you don't want to see upchuck all over this
table, you'd better bring this conversation back down to earth. Pity
me, if you will. Let's try and keep our feet on the ground, okay!"

"We haven't left the ground," Riley replied. "Far from it! According
to the narrator, Phaedrus was searching for a kind of preconscious
moment of knowing. I'm sure you would agree that at the dawning of
rational analysis a quality moment was discovered. Even if a
`preconscious moment of knowing' does not exist, the idea that `it
might exist' cannot be dismissed, and, if it does exist, as Phaedrus
believed it did, then in that `quality moment of knowing' we will also
find the bridge linking reason and feeling, whole and part, and
`personhood' and `self.' In fact that's exactly what happened at the
end of the book when the narrator's personality merged back into
Phaedrus. That's pretty grounded stuff if you ask me!"

"Are you suggesting," Jim replied, "that quality, as it was described
in the book, is the real McCoy? Are you suggesting that this book is
somehow a siren call for a new kind of savior-- the second coming
perhaps? Well, if you are, I suggest you go back to your 7th grade
science class. Maybe the next time you'll get it right-- it’s not the
claim, it's the evidence!"

"Well, at the end of the book Phaedrus did manage to cure himself,"
Riley responded. "The narrator and Phaedrus did merge back into one

"Wishing and hoping won't pay the rent," Jim replied, "unless of
course it's the title of a song and the song sells. I rest my case."

"Well, before you send the case to the jury, or to the bar," Riley
quipped, "I have one last thing to say. Consider this--`stuckness.'”

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