Biking Eastern Canada
July 4, `77
After a couple hours more biking, I saw what looked to be an
abandoned farmhouse setting back in a field. I felt the risk was
minimum, so I got off my bike and hiked up to the house. Standing on
the rickety front porch, I could see a room full of newspapers. Upon
entering the half opened door, I found the papers stacked a couple
feet high. They gave off an unpleasant odor, but the clouds had
darkened, so I figured I could live with the smell. After going back
for my bike, I made myself at home. I was feeling pretty good when,
through the broken windowpane, I saw a car pull up and three people
get out. They didn't look like owners. They were young. I figured what
the hell, getting kicked out of this place wasn't the worst thing that
could happen. The girl entered first, and upon seeing me sitting on a
stack of newspapers, screamed. The situation was pretty awkward. I
couldn't speak French and they couldn't speak English. As it turned
out, I figured out that they were making a movie and were looking for
a place to film. They were making a Dracula movie. In broken English
the girl said, "A good place to film, no!" I replied, "Yes," but what
I was really thinking was "Go away before you blow my cover!" After
they finally did leave, I waited to see if the farmer down the road
was going to show up, but after thirty minutes, I began to feel more
Actually, in another way, I began to feel less secure. The place
really was spooky. It was definitely suited for a Dracula movie; it
had multiple rooms and an eerie over all atmosphere. There were old
bottles and other oddities strewn about the place. It took me 15
minutes just to make room for my bike and sleeping bag. Also there
were noises. Most of the squeaks and creeks came from the next room.
When I went in to look for a cause, I found only a room with a metal
bed frame in it. I have to admit, the place made me uncomfortable, but
that wasn't the worst of it. Bugs, the kind you couldn't see, were
biting me. I would have left, but outside the rain had finally started
to come down. Instead, I climbed in my sleeping bag, and covered my head.
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