The Embedded Logic Of Reciprocal Movement's Synchronic Axis
“It is shown that both in relativity theory and quantum theory, notions implying
the undivided wholeness of the universe would provide a much more orderly way of
considering the general nature of reality.” --David Bohm, Wholeness And The
Implicate Order
Once you see the world through the "eyes of the synchronic nature of freedom,” the "center of everything shifts.” The individual takes his or her place along the synchronic axis of freedom as an aspirant seeking liberation from the restrictive nature of his/her environment.
The individual has certain physical and emotional needs that must be satisfied. Material gain is only one form of gratification; nevertheless, a person encounters needs which, in turn, necessitate access to one's environment in order to become satisfied. For the most part, people strive to obtain power, wealth, fame, adventure, sexual conquest, love, etc., but, even before the birth of humanity, “liberation” manifested itself along the synchronic axis of freedom that extends all the way back to the birth of time—Big Bang to the present.
The synchronic axis represents the unbound—liberation from a restrictive environment. Synchronic liberation takes place in whole steps, steps that produce more freedom. Here's how it works; content (the physical universe), at the first synchronic level, consists of "negations negating negations." On this level, an undivided wholeness exists (see David Bohm quote above) and the physical universe comes into existence. At a higher level of liberation, where the geneses of life occurs, the liberated content of the synchronic axis stands apart from its own negation. Life, or the being of continuity, forms one pole of this newly elevated synchronic axis while death (the negation of life) constitutes the other pole. Freedom flowers in this world of biological evolution as life increases and becomes more complex.
All existence (synchronic structure) piggybacks upon negations, thus the liberation process is not limited to biological evolution. At the next higher synchronic level, (the level of thought/self-consciousness), a more evolved species of life-consciousness arises. At this higher level, not only does life-consciousness stand apart from death, life-consciousness also stands apart from itself. In other words, at this level of liberation, consciousness experiences itself as Jean Paul Sartre's “for-itself consciousness”—being-what-is-not-while-not-being-what-is. This “for-itself consciousness” now becomes free to create language, myth, science, ethics/morality, i.e., civilization. And, further, human intelligence (discontinuity occurring in continuity) takes its place on one pole of the synchronic axis while, at the other pole, occurs the “physical event” (continuity occurring in discontinuity), i.e., the observer/observed relationship. Diachronically speaking, at this level of life-consciousness, the story of civilization unfolds as the human struggle to survive, overcome poverty, ignorance, injustice,--to overcome all the physical and psychological afflictions that subvert the actualization of human potential.
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