Products Of Time Of Mind—Revolutions Around The Sun, Vibrations Of
Atoms, Biological Clock Decay
There you have it; my pictured description of the V shape/structure. What
follows now, is commentary on the significance of this structural
interpretation of nature.
Freedom and logical form demonstrate a co-dependent relationship; that is,
freedom and logical form develop together. When freedom and logical form merge
in the participatory moment of a conscious self, identity is the result, and in
the wake of identity imagination follows. More specifically, the possibilities
contained in the participatory moment of a conscious self are immense, but the
immediate consequence is that identity is preserved in the midst of constant
change. This becomes clear when you consider that in discontinuity occurring in
continuity (~bb) an awareness of not-being exists and, by implication, something
must be before it can not-be (Descartes' “cogito ergo sum” is another example of
this consequence). This is not the end of it, however, for awareness of implied
identity occurs in the presence of factual events and with the identity of
events, freedom moves forward in the form of an implied knowledge of one's
environment. In itself, this "passage of time" does not produce a great deal of
knowledge, but because we bring the logical relationships implicit in synchronic
structure—the logical operators of “and, or, and implies”—to bear on the experience of an event, we may form judgments concerning the significance and the probable cause of an event. These judgments are determined valid across a continuum which ranges from sensation divorced from theory at one end, to, at the other end, sensation reinforced by the most advanced and respected scientific theory available.
I am not suggesting that physical events occur only for humans. As the V
structure indicates, there is an empirical side to everything. Life accommodates
and assimilates an empirical environment in order to survive. The evolution of
star stuff, the liberation of the necessary conditions that support life, and the
participatory moment of a conscious self—all entail the empirical side of the
V structure. Absent an empirical side, the freedom side of the V structure could
not/would not exist. For humans, however, the physical event extends well
beyond the sum of the conditions that come together to insure survival. The
material world (the physical event) is open to scientific investigations, and these investigations, in addition to being a product of deliberation and questioning, are also carried out in a space/time environment (the empirical side of the V structure) that resists change, and where continuity, determinism, and locality occur, i.e., in the physical properties Einstein so staunchly defended when faced with the strangeness of quantum reality. One might ask, when it comes to “doing science,” given the V structure, can we trust the results of our investigations? And the answer to this question is: we have no recourse other than to trust that which makes logical sense and occurs in a predictable manner. What differentiates predictable events from say events found at the ~bb level of structure is that predictable events, as well as human events in general, negate (as the V structure indicates) the liberated structure that constitutes human consciousness. Physical events negate the structure that knowingly participates in physical events. There is no room in the physical event for a consciousness that questions, there is only room for the electro-chemical firing of synapses occurring in squishy grey matter that gets labeled brain, a brain that upon manipulation can induce and create predictable conscious activity. There is no room in the physical event for the ~bb structure that is the source of the symbol-generating movement of free thought—the movement that makes thinking possible, that makes "time of mind" possible. Physical time or revolutions around the sun, vibrations of an atom, biological clock decay, all exist as products of "time of mind," which, in turn, is embedded in a space/time physical event.
In the above post at: "What differentiates predictable events from say events found at the ~bb level of structure".....~bb (wrong), should be ~~b (my mistake).