At The Depths Of The "Material World" There Exists A Fuzzy World That Exhibits Behavior Only When We Observe It
Everyday, via our five senses, inquiry, analysis, conscience, and imagination, we participate in physical events. The physical event world, even from a scientific point of view, used to be defined as a “determinate, continuous, and local material world;” now, thanks to quantum mechanics, that world, by definition, has changed. Now, the world that we participate in is, at least at the level of the very small, defined by non-locality, indeterminateness, and discontinuity. This strange turn of events becomes a whole lot less strange when considered in light of synchronic structure’s evolution. Accordingly, evolution (the evolution of the V structure) produced our determinate, continuous, and local physical event world out of the ~~b structure, a structure characterized by non-locality, indeterminateness, and discontinuity. Our everyday experience then, i.e., our "time of mind experience,” evolved (via structure’s capacity for self-regulation and transformation) out of ~~b, into ~bb, and finally into b~b~bb, or the “time of mind experience” of discontinuity occurring in continuity/identity while occurring in continuity occurring in discontinuity/physical event. Thus, freedom and its opposite exist in the form of a co-dependent relationship in order to “preserve wholeness." Self-consciousness then is the condition that separates and permits its opposite to occur, or, put another way, a determinate, continuous, and local world exists because self-consciousness exists outside of the physical event environment in a discontinuous, indeterminate, and non-local way. As long as science keeps its investigations focused on the material world, as long as science doesn't penetrate deep into that area where the integrity of the physical universe breaks down, where the deterministic motions of mass points no longer exist, reductionist methods of science work perfectly. However, at the depths of the "material world" there exists a fuzzy world that exhibits behavior only when we observe it—when we separate ourselves from it. There we find a physical reality with no uniquely definable location, a physical reality that exists in several states at the same time, a physical reality structured by a mathematical equation. Freedom's synchronic structure not only predicts this fuzziness, it explains it. Fuzziness at the quantum level occurs because the space that separates and embeds, on the quantum level, also connects, “preserving wholeness” in the process. The V structure, not only “preserves wholeness," it also implies the Great Affirmation that sustains freedom, consciousness, and self-consciousness, but before I get to that post I need to tie up a few lose ends.
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