Monday, May 30, 2011

Goodbye Hawaii

Lihue beach

Aug. ‘73

Two days after I twisted my ankle, I used the footpath to hike out of
Waimea canyon. After reaching the highway, I got a ride into Lihue.
Once there, I went to Lidgate, Lihue’s beach campground. I was surprised
to find Eddy, Gloria, and Greg, all old friends, camping on the beach. Apparently,
against the better judgment of the medical profession, Eddy went back
to living on the beach before he was fully recovered. He and his
girlfriend were enjoying Kauai so much that they had no intentions to
leave. That night I drank lots of beer and ate lots of Eddy's
mushrooms. The more things change the more they stay the same! I
needed an extra day to recover from that one. After I recovered, though,
I was more than ready to leave. During that extra day, I put the finishing touches
on my goodbye poem to Waimea. I hope it has more staying power than I do!

Waimea Canyon

Alone; hardly,
true, there are no distractions
save my own tangled mind.
An abundance of intimacy surrounds
my seclusion.
Sincerity dwells within these canyon walls.
Fellowship begins and ends
on the rock where I am sitting.
Beneath me, love is fluid
and flows with the river's current.
The surging waters
speak only gospel.

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