Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Questioning The Constraining Aspect Of Experience

Deep silence of the candle as an abyss of desire
Like rivers stream forward and then back again
To feel the favor of death – it is godlike feeling

Psychology 735 Paper

Our beliefs about realty are not `wrong,' they're simply
approximations of the way things are. Everybody, at one time or
another has had an altered space-time experience. That experience can
expand into experience of a higher order—experience that is not
dissociated or fragmented. In that "place" is found the liberation
that accompanies freedom from a persisting, independent, isolated
self. In that "place" there is nothing to get, nothing to discard, and
no place else we need to go. Tarthang Tulku says it this way:

"Through our bodies we can embody the full and infinite perfection of
Being: we can participate intimately in the interpenetration of all
reality, Being alive is like being invited to enjoy ourselves in a
beautiful garden where every sight and sound blends in perfect,
inexpressible harmony. Through our embodiment we can embrace this
precious opportunity, and merge with the perfect equilibrium of time,
space and knowledge."

After taking the Time-Space-Knowledge class, the "act of dissolving
into an opening" stopped sounding so strange. Opening to the
possibility of experience without carrying along "excess baggage" was
what the class taught us. Getting back to "raw experience" may sound
easy, but that was only to the uninitiated. In fact, the discovery of
"raw experience" had to be measured in incremental levels. In class we
talked about the phenomenological investigations that had revealed the
clinging baggage that, for the most part, remained invisible.

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