Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Seat Of Kundalini

Waianae, Hawaii
April ‘73

Yogi Bhajan, who was a master of Kundalini Yoga, said, "Without doubt
the Kundalini resides at the fourth vertebra of the spine. By mixing
prana and apana (positive and negative cosmic forces), heat warms that
spot, initiating the movement of Kundalini. From the forth vertebra
the Kundalini descends to the Muladhara Chakra, and then its journey
upward begins."

The Chakras

The Chakras were energy centers in the body. Subtle currents flowed
around them, but the Chakras were not physical—that is, you could not
see them.

Invisible though they were, the Chakras did correspond to certain
areas of the body. Certainly they had a profound effect on
consciousness. Seven in number, they formed a kind of step-ladder for
the Kundalini's ascent.

If consciousness was at the lowest center, Muladhara, which was at
the rectum, a person was thought by some yogis to have an anal or
animal consciousness. It would be animal survival at the crudest
level, and that person would tend toward homosexuality.

At the second center, located at the sex organs, thoughts became
concentrated upon sensual pleasure. The primary concern was to feel
good. If consciousness stagnated here, perversions were the result.

Chakra three was the center for ego and power games. It was found at
the navel point. It was comparatively easy to bring awareness up from
the first Chakra to the second, and then to the third. But most of
mankind still lived in these three centers of consciousness.

As a person evolved, however, they became dissatisfied with living in
their lower natures and wanted to progress. As man rose in
consciousness, though, things became difficult—he was tested and made
to prove himself worthy of the benefits of a happy, positive, and more
spiritual way of life. He reached the fourth Chakra by practicing
compassion and love for all. When the fourth Chakra opened (at the
center of the chest and next to the heart) deep love and brotherhood
was felt for everyone.

At the throat center, the fifth charka opened. Here man felt in such
attunement with the creator that all he wanted to talk about was God.
This was also called the center of Truth. Sometimes, at this Chakra, a
person would become impatient. When others spoke on superficial
subjects this person would speak on things only divine!

At the sixth Chakra, the Third Eye, man knew all wisdom. He knew
everything past, present, and future. He would not reveal this
knowledge to those who were not ready to hear it. There were many
psychics and mediums that could "read" the past and the future. They
did not (or could not) refrain from revealing "futures" to people who
were not strong enough to handle that information. Considerable harm
could be done as a result. The hard-working student of Yoga had this
intuition inside himself. He didn't have to go to mediums.

Even at this level of consciousness, however, something held a person
back from total happiness, total peace. He was still separated from
God. Only when the entire ego got transcended, when consciousness
reached the seventh Chakra-- the Thousand Petalled Lotus at the top of
the skull—was bliss achieved. After that, the yogi was free to leave
his body or stay in the world. At that level of consciousness, death
was conquered, and the yogi was truly free.

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